
How To Manage Anxiety Whilst At Work

What does anxiety at work look like? First of all, what is anxiety? Anxiety is a feeling of unease that can leave you feeling fearful and worried about what may happen. We all will experience some form of anxiety in our lifetime. For some, this may be moderate or severe. If you would like to know more about anxiety, and…

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Mental Health

What You Need To Know About Depression

What is Depression? Depression is a constant, low mood that has an impact on your everyday life. Yes, everyone has ups and downs; however, with depression, the lows are long-lasting. In the UK alone, depression affects one in 10 people during their lifetime. Taraji P. Henson spoke out about depression to Variety in 2018: “I suffer from depression. I have…

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7 ways to cope with anxiety
Mental Health

7 Effective Ways To Cope With Anxiety

How do you cope with anxiety? Anxiety is a range of negative thoughts, feelings and experiences. It is a type of fear that manifests creating unwanted thoughts. It is what we feel when we become afraid of what may happen. When I feel anxious I: start thinking of the worst-case scenarios, my breath becomes more rapid, I begin to sweat…

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Wellness should be a priority!
Mental Health

Wellness and Fitness: 365-day challenge

What is the 365-day challenge? This challenge will consist of catering to your wellbeing every single day of 2021. Yes, every single day. Wellness will include doing everything to uplift you and make you feel good. What does the challenge involve? During this challenge, I will show you guys what I do to keep my vibrations high and/or raise them…

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Happy New Year!

New Year, New me? Hello 2021

Or New year, same me? Happy new year guys! I hope you have a fruitful and successful year! What does the new year symbolize? The chance to start anew- make new goals that cater to your growth. Check this on how to make goals. It helps to break down the goals into different departments. I’ll share mine:• I want to…

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Its Christmas! What do you have to be thankful for? Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you are all doing well.I do hope you enjoy your time but don’t forget… It’s not just about the presents but the presence of our loved ones. This time of yar it is time to spend your time with your loved ones (if you are…

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What you need to know about anxiety
Mental Health

What You Need To Know About Anxiety

What is Anxiety? Anxiety is a range of negative thoughts, feelings and experiences. It is a type of fear that manifests creating unwanted thoughts. It is what we feel when we become afraid of what may happen. Ryan Reynolds opened about the anxiety he experienced whilst filming Deadpool. “I never slept. Or I was sleeping at a perfect right angle…

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Essential travel only!

How To Prepare Yourself for Lockdown #2

Here we are once again, are you surprised? Another lockdown. In all honesty, we could have called it. My friends and I did. We are not pessimistic people, but we are realistic. Seeing people going to house parties and the club as if the coronavirus has disappeared completely. In England, as of yesterday (Thursday 5th November 2020). We are in…

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