
How To Prepare Yourself for Lockdown #2

Essential travel only!

Here we are once again, are you surprised?

Another lockdown. In all honesty, we could have called it. My friends and I did. We are not pessimistic people, but we are realistic.

Seeing people going to house parties and the club as if the coronavirus has disappeared completely.

In England, as of yesterday (Thursday 5th November 2020). We are in Lockdown once again.

What does this mean?

  • Non-essential stores and institutions will be closed for a month (gym, I will miss you dearly).
  • Grocery stores will remain open along with schools, universities and nurseries; however, if possible, everyone should work from home.
  • Meeting with people in groups is prohibited. Although, if one is living alone, you are allowed to meet one person from another household. Check here for more information

What the first Lockdown taught me

To not underestimate the power of self-care.

As of right now, I am not working so I spend hours a day taking care of my wellbeing which includes eating healthy meals, taking a nap if necessary (anxiety has affected my sleep; insomnia is real), meditation and exercising. That is usually what my days consist of anyway.

I don’t need to bulk buy like everyone else.

Everyone panicked when we first went into Lockdown back in March. Queues were ridiculously long, but now we know what to expect. I don’t need to buy groceries for two months. I need to be aware of my spending and not overdo it. Safe to say; I have been good with my spending. Most of my money is spent on food. Money well spent, eh?!

Just because we have to stay at home, doesn’t mean we must cut ourselves off from everyone.

My experience of CBT has shown me that I need to incorporate some more fun into my life. One of my goals is to reach out to my friends and family more often than I currently do. I should make it my mission to schedule an online meeting where we can all catch up and have a good time.

Fresh air will do me right.

Don’t underestimate the power of exercise. It does wonders for you physically and mentally. Going for walks was a regular thing for me during the first Lockdown. I had to get fresh air as it was the only time I got out of the house. Although it made me anxious, I decided that going for morning walks was the best as there were fewer people.

As for the gains that I may miss out on due to the gyms being closed, I will figure it out and see what household items can be used. Don’t worry. I won’t use the TV. I don’t even know how ill even lift it.

Take care

To those who are struggling with another lockdown, please take breaks, be kind to yourself and talk to your loved ones. You are not alone. We are all going through this together. I’m here if you need to talk. 

Take care.

What I learnt during the first quarantine!
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About Confidant Candy

Hi there! I am a Master's student looking to evolve every single day! This blog will contain posts focused on personal development.
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