Do You Know What ADHD Is?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioural condition that impacts an individuals behaviour.
According to NHS, most people with ADHD are diagnosed between the age of 6-12. It is a common disorder in childhood. However, more adults are being diagnosed with ADHD compared to a decade ago.
Symptoms of ADHD include disorganization, poor concentration, poor planning, difficulty coping with stress, trouble sitting still, mood swings and impulsiveness; just to name a few.
Causes of ADHD: although more research needs to continue, the following factors can cause ADHD to develop in a person-
Genetics- several studies show that ADHD runs in families.
Developmental issues
Additionally, ADHD may occur with other disorders such as=anxiety disorders- the anxiety may cause excessive worry and other symptoms.
Mood disorders= many individuals with ADHD may also have depression. I know I have experienced depression
Difference between men and women with ADHD
Research has shown that men and women present symptoms of ADHD differently; men- may be more impulsive and show external symptoms/signs of behaviour; however, women may have more ‘covert’ symptoms.
Boys may exhibit the following symptoms- inability to sit still, physical aggression, ‘acting up’, inattentiveness.
I have heard of parents/teachers saying ‘boys will be boys in an attempt to excuse such behaviour whilst was working at a school. With more awareness of developmental disorders, perhaps we can ensure that parents and teachers are aware of how their children may act in class.
Alternatively, girls may not show out in class, but their behaviours may be more subtle- anxiety, withdrawal, isolation, daydreaming, low self-esteem, trouble focusing.
Now I am going to talk about ADHD presents itself in me!
How ADHD presents in me
Although I do enjoy writing lists to keep me focused, I can be a bit impulsive. One time during my university days, my friends and I came home from the club. We were chilling in the kitchen, and these guys we met in the club hit us up to hang out, so we did. We didn’t even give it a second thought which isn’t intelligent in the slightest, especially with all that is going on these days. Please don’t do what we did! Think things through.
Honestly, when I drive, I am a bit impulsive. I go (after checking my mirrors, of course). I am a safe driver, but when surrounded by people who don’t know how to drive and read the road, you’ve got to be very cautious.
Poor concentration
Writing my blog posts takes me longer to write, type up, and schedule the post. Sometimes, I space it over two or three days. After I finish brainstorming, I’m like,” Okay, that is enough for the day”. Also, back in university, I would struggle to concentrate throughout the entire lecture. Mind you, the studies lasted for 3 hours. I would try and pay attention for the first 20 minutes, then I begin to daydream, or I may even fall asleep. Sleep and ADHD, I need to read more about it.
I am an anxious person. I overthink things. I get stressed, and I over-worry a lot. Currently, I am getting counselling to help with my anxiety and keep up with my self-care routine.
Being withdrawn-This is a concern for me tbh. I struggle to open up and maintain friends in the man workplaces that I have been a part of in my work life. On break, I tend to keep to myself, and I sit away from everyone else. I am now aware of this behaviour, so I am working on it.
What is next for me
As my diagnosis is very new, I have a lot of questions;
Are there support groups that I can access?
Medication vs therapy
How to manage my anxiety at work, home and my social life?
I have a friend who has ADHD, so I will pick her brain about how she copes and what works well for her. She told me the path that she went down when getting diagnosed and assessed.
I will share my journey with you all.
This is new to me, so I am just wrapping my head around everything.
Take away
I am not ashamed of my diagnosis; I aim to use it as a superpower.
Thank you for reading.
Take care and stay safe.