
Communication and ADHD

ADHDers do you struggle with communication? For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with communication. I was always the shy, quiet kid that kept to herself and didn’t demand the attention of the room as soon as I walked in it. My mother thought that it was just a ‘phase’ and soon I will grow out of…

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Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Simply Just Existing? 5 Ways To Get Over Simply Existing

Lately, I Feel Like I Have Been Existing, Not Living What does it mean by simply existing? To me, existing means just doing what you need to do to get by. That can include: – Working  – Eating – Breathing – Running errands – Doing anything to survive, but if you want to compare it to something, the basic needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Most of the…

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Growing in Love- Loss turned into Lessons

As some may know, last year was an overwhelming year for me—the loss of love. I experienced a lot of loss, but I learned so much, and you know what I like to say it’s not a failure, it’s a lesson. “Life is one big lesson”. Towards the end of 2021, I told myself that I would do everything in my power to get out…

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Lessons I Learned At 26

Lessons I learned during my 26 years around the sun 1. I don’t have everything figured out yet…and that is fine. I have ideas. When I was in my early teens, I thought that by my twenties, I would have life figured out; I would be in my OWN home; the market is mad, and London is very expensive. Lesson…

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ADHD: What You Need To Know

Do You Know What ADHD Is? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioural condition that impacts an individuals behaviour. According to NHS, most people with ADHD are diagnosed between the age of 6-12. It is a common disorder in childhood. However, more adults are being diagnosed with ADHD compared to a decade ago. Symptoms of ADHD include disorganization, poor…

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how to find your voice

How To Find Your Voice In This Crazy World

Finding your voice It is safe to say that this world has changed tremendously. The influx of social media makes people more interconnected to pandemics changing how we work, live, and conduct ourselves. It is safe to say that we live in a crazy, chaotic world. It can be pretty scary and can cause people to quiet their voice as…

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