
How To Be Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

being uncomfortable

Being Uncomfortable Is Necessary In Order To Grow

One thing that you need to know about growth is that it is uncomfortable.

To evolve and become the best version of yourself, you cannot stay in the same comfort zone, doing the same things over time and time again.

It will halt your growth. Trust me.

Now I am going to talk about growth in different areas of life.

In work

As some of you may know, I recently started a new job. I am now a mental health personal independence coordinator. This involves speaking to those experiencing emotional distress and supporting them with their emotional and mental well-being. Furthermore, I will be meeting with ICN (integrated connected network) and MDT (multidisciplinary teams) and community hubs to discuss patients and their care, so that is a lot communicating with many people!

Initially, I was a bit intimated at the prospect of talking to many people, but it is something that I haven’t done before, so it is something new to add to my arsenal of life experiences. Furthermore, I have never had a job role with a lot of admin work before, which I am looking forward to in a weird way. My colleagues have told me that it is a lot of work, but honestly, I like to keep busy. I do enjoy helping people, so I am looking forward to putting my listening and organisational skills to use.

As my role is part of a more comprehensive project, events are happening to meet and observe new people who are passionate about discussing mental health, especially in our community. It is something that I am also passionate about, so I found my niche!

In relationships

Relationships can be hard to make sure that you show up as the best version of yourself. It is essential to communicate, communicate and communicate some more. It is not always easy to discuss things, especially when it is uncomfortable and could create arguments. Still, it is necessary to have complex discussions in order to grow and move forward in the relationship.

I do not like confrontation, drama, conflict… I do not like it at all. In the past, I would always try to run from it. But I believe that it did more harm than good. Instead of genuinely expiring how I was feeling, I just kept everything to myself.

Those emotions/feelings harboured and created stress for me. Over time, I realised that I have to say my peace in order for things to mature and get better. I have to express myself. I have to get something off my chest. Yes, it will be uncomfortable, but it will feel good to speak up and have your voice heard in the long term.

In the gym

My fitness journey has been a long one. When I first started to go to the gym, I was so shy and scared. I had to go with my mum. If she wasn’t going, then neither was I. She was my comfort blanket. As I became more comfortable going to the gym and seeing the results boost my confidence and self-esteem, I realised that I had to stop relying on her to get gains.

Eventually, I moved away for uni (college), so I had no choice but to go to the gym by myself. At first, I was so nervous, so I went off-peak, so it wasn’t as packed. I felt uncomfortable as I didn’t want people seeing my work out (I go beast mode and make ugly faces). Over time, I became more comfortable in myself and realised that I was doing this for myself and me alone.

No one is going to stop me now. So, I used that to fuel me. When I am in the gym, I am in the zone. I am laser-focused. I hardly even go on my phone. I put my music on, keep my head down and work. Sometimes, I still get a bit nervous, but then I remember that moving my body is good for me physically and mentally.

In life

In life, there will be moments when you feel uncomfortable. Meeting people for the first time, especially when you are an introvert like me.

Presentations (that’s a lot of people hanging on to your every word). And you are doing things that may invite attention and most likely get a response. I have come to realise that life is way too short to stay in your comfort zone. Yes, it is comfortable and safe, but how will you attain your goals as they are outside of your comfort zone.

Are you going to wait until you get comfortable? When will that happen? In a week, in a month, in a year? You don’t know!

We don’t know what will happen next. If anything, these past few years have shown us that life is very unpredictable. Instead of waiting for things to happen for us as we are uncomfortable taking the first step, we must remember that no one is coming. No one is coming to take the first step for us. For our dreams and goals for us to grow and become the best version of ourselves. I was hesitant about taking the first step to start this blog and my YouTube channel.

I put it off for years because I was just wasn’t ready and is not comfortable with the fact that people will read this and may judge me for it. Who the f cares?! I am doing this for me. I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I am learning to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. It doesn’t feel great right now, but it will pay off in the long run.

Take Away

Do you want to achieve your goals? How badly do you want to achieve them? What are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve them? Being uncomfortable is unavoidable in order to push yourself out of your comfort zone but you can do it.

Thank you for reading.

Take care and stay safe.

About Confidant Candy

Hi there! I am a Master's student looking to evolve every single day! This blog will contain posts focused on personal development.
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