Mental Health, Personal

My Trauma Response

ADHD and its relationship with trauma Trauma has been showing its face I walked home later than usual for work a couple of weeks ago. I haven’t been driving as my car is out of service; not my fault, and that is a story for a different day. I was about to cross the road, I looked both ways and…

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untreated ADHD

Untreated ADHD: How I Manage My Symptoms

Many adults diagnosed with ADHD are left untreated. What is ADHD? ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that can start as early as childhood. Many adults are diagnosed with ADHD, not realising how it may have impacted them early on. Some adults, like me, were left untreated and diagnosed later in life. I was diagnosed at the age of 26. Upon…

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Communication and ADHD

ADHDers do you struggle with communication? For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with communication. I was always the shy, quiet kid that kept to herself and didn’t demand the attention of the room as soon as I walked in it. My mother thought that it was just a ‘phase’ and soon I will grow out of…

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ADHD: What You Need To Know

Do You Know What ADHD Is? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioural condition that impacts an individuals behaviour. According to NHS, most people with ADHD are diagnosed between the age of 6-12. It is a common disorder in childhood. However, more adults are being diagnosed with ADHD compared to a decade ago. Symptoms of ADHD include disorganization, poor…

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