
Why Introverts Need Time To Recharge

It is ok to take time for yourself and recharge.

Do you know what an introvert is?

Are you an introvert?

Take this quiz and find out.

I am an introvert.

First things first, what is an introvert?

In my own words, I would describe an introvert as a shy and somewhat reserved person. I’m talking about me! (unless I am comfortable and it takes time for me to get comfortable with new people.

The characteristics of introverts are:
• Enjoying spending time alone
Ig you are like me, absolelty nothing beats snuggling up in bed, putting on netflix and just chilling. You don’t have to answer to anyone. You are in your own space and you can just be yourself.

• Usually a small group of friends/close relationships with a few
Oh yes, and my circle is drama free! I used to have a lot of friends when I was younger through different avenues and things I had going on such as dance class. Now, my circle is small and I enjoy it that way. I prefer meaningful deep conversations and I get that with my girls.

Related: Why having friends is very important

You’re often described as quiet
To those that don’t know you, that is probably the first impression that they get.

• Being around a group of people takes a toll
Having to keep up appearances and attend functions with people you are not familiar with can be so exhausting. My social battery only lasts for so long!

When I know I am going to be in a social situation, I give myself a time limit (I know it sounds bad). After a while of talking, I notice that I become quieter and quieter and my mind wonders to my bed.
After work, I don’t feel like talking as much as I exerted all my energy by
a) Being at work and
b) by being around a bunch of people

Introverts are completely different from extroverts:
• Being the life of the party
• They enjoy working with others
• We enjoy spending time alone, extroverts don’t
• A person described as an extrovert have broad interests.

Now you’ve got an understanding of why introverts need time to recharge.

Recharging for me means being in my own space with minimal distractions.
This entails watching movies, journaling, writing, practising self-care... just looking inwards.

Having an understanding of your personality traits helps you understand why you may behave or like to be in certain situations.

Which is absolutely a-ok.
Although, being in situations that are somewhat uncomfortable aids growth but do not push yourself to the point that you regret it.

Take time for yourself. Zone in.

Thank you for reading. Stay safe.

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About Confidant Candy

Hi there! I am a Master's student looking to evolve every single day! This blog will contain posts focused on personal development.
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