
Grateful to Make It To Christmas

It is me or has the Christmas spirit dwindled substantially from December 20219?

With all that is going on, it is kind of difficult to be like woooah, each, Merry Christmas is here!
But alas, we are here. We have made it and so we should be grateful.

In a nutshell, this year has been chaotic and beyond anything, I thought I would be able to handle but they say God only gives you what you can bear.
I have made it through the other side and looking back, lessons were learnt which have helped me to become a better person. I am proud of myself and I hope you are proud of yourself.

Things I am grateful for this Christmas

The health of my loved ones

You just never know where life will take you
MY aunt and grandmother passed this year. Honestly, I do not know if I have grieved, I cried and felt tremendously sad but I don’t know if I have processed it thoroughly-more on this in this post.

I wasn’t able to attend both of their funerals due to covid fuck that shit.

So, for those who are still here, I treasure them dearly and I am not shy about expressing my love to them. Sometimes, I just send them a text like hey, I love and appreciate you. Thank you for your support. A text goes a long way. Never shy away from telling people how much they mean to you.

My job

My job has really helped me to overcome the drama and trauma of this year, it has been a saving grace. It came at the right time, the final quarter.

Working in the mental health field which I love, having and managing my own caseload and working with amazing people. I can actually enjoy my weekend and have a social life. I have a laptop and work phone it’s the simple things which I appreciate.
I actually don’t mind going to work, I used to hate it so I am so grateful to have a job like this.

MY personal development journey

Phew, it’s been a journey. I am back in counselling and I see the difference. I am not ashamed of it at all. I am not the timid and super reversed person I used to be. I just came to the realization that speaking about what is going on on the inside is healthy.

I used to pretend that everything was an ok all the time and it wasn’t. I was depressed and anxious. I used to hide all of myself and I didn’t want to burden anyone with what I was experiencing. Starting this blog has been like writing in my personal journal just let it all out and not hold it back.

I am experiencing things that others may relate to. I know this journey is not linear. I know there will be ups and downs but one thing you need to know about me is that I am stubborn and when my mind is made up, there is no stopping me so if I fall down, I am getting back up. It may take a while but ill do it damn it.
This Christmas period is hard for some people so please be kind, always.

Take Away

Count your blessings and be grateful for those around you.

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About Confidant Candy

Hi there! I am a Master's student looking to evolve every single day! This blog will contain posts focused on personal development.
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