What is physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy aims to help people impacted by disability, injury to restore movement and, in turn, create a better quality of life. This can be done by advising patients and giving them exercises to encourage movement. It gives patients the autonomy to have control over their care. In addition, it may help prevent more injuries.
According to Statisa, more than 30% of people living within the UK live with a long-term health condition/illness; however, less than 20% visit a physiotherapist or occupational therapist at least once a year.
Different of physiotherapy
Sports physiotherapy- This type of physio is targeted towards those who participate in sport. Sports therapists are very knowledgeable about the types of strains/injuries that may occur playing different sports. It teaches athletes how to manage their injury, and several assessments are undergone to understand the severity of the injury and prevent injury.
Rehab therapy- Catered towards individuals who may be coping with the recovery process. This may be due to surgery. The recovery process is gentler, and treatment is customized for each individual.
Musculoskeletal physiotherapy- This type of physiotherapy focuses on the musculoskeletal system, which accounts for the muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons and bones.
Physiotherapy for female health- As stated, this type of physiotherapy is focused on the female reproductive system and the issues one may face surrounding it. The physiotherapy helps activate the pelvic floor, relieve pregnant women, and strengthen the core.

Physiotherapy #1
I am getting physiotherapy for my pelvic floor. This may be a bit of TMI, but things can get painful for me, but I firm it for my man (if you get my drift), so I have been referred to a physiotherapist.
For the first session, I was super nervous; in fact, I thought that I was going to be sick.
Usually, I am not nervous when it comes to doctor appointments because I know what to expect for the most part, but this was the first time having physio, so I had no idea what it would be like.
Once I got in there, I was asked a series of questions such as:
Do you lift heavyweights?
What positions do you like?
Do you bleed after?
And so on.
When I am nervous, I tend to laugh a bit.
The therapist then proceeded to give me a bunch of dos and don’ts during the treatment duration.
I have been instructed not to:
- Wear thong/G-string (which I prefer because I wouldn’t say I like wearing underwear anyway)
- Lift heavy weights (this one hurt me; how will I cope?!)No treadmill
- No running
- No soap down there
- Not super hot showers, which I admit I love; hot weather and all.
- No high-intensity workouts
- No waxing, shaving…nada. So So sad, pray for me
Here are some do’s
- Wear ugly underwear aka full briefs. I don’t like panty lines so I’ll have to buy seamless
- Do breathing exercises daily
- Just use water down there
- Do lower intensity workouts; Pilates, yoga
- Do stretching exercises.
After the questioning, the physiotherapist did an over the clothes examination of me.
As I was getting undressed, she went, “Oh, you’re very flat-footed. What do you wear at home?”
“Flip flops”, I replied. She said, “NO! Barefoot. You are going to have problems with your knees when you’re older”. Great, something else to worry about, I thought.
Then she commented on my posture.
Admittedly, I do slouch a little, so I need to work on it.
Then I was told to get on the bench (bed) whatever, and she put pressure on areas of my lower body and did a physical examination.
It turns out the whole left side of my body is higher than my right, which isn’t surprising as I have nerve damage on my right arm, which happened during my coming into the world.
Next, I was given breathing exercises to do as well as in my own time.
To relax my pelvic floor, I need to do breathing exercises whilst doing stretches.
Physiotherapy #2
My second session took place today (6/9/21). I was not in the headspace to do anything *per my last post*, I just cannot be bothered. All I want to do is sleep.
When I first got in the room, the physiotherapist asked how I was doing and I was going to say I’m fine but why lie?
I told her I’m so so, and she looked at me and said,”You don’t seem ok, you seem sad. I can feel your energy.”
Damn man, is it like that?!
She then proceeded to ask if I have been doing the stretches, which I have been doing.
We did an internal release, I think that is what it is called.
So here we go.
She felt around down there and was telling me that I was very tense and I struggle to relax and let go.
Nothing new there.
I then started to cry because everything is a lot right now but I managed to keep going.
After several minutes, she came out and then showed me more exercises that I can do.
Overall, it was a terrible experience regardless of the headspace I am in, I am glad that I went to the appointment.
Physiotherapy #3
29.9.21 – Today I had my third session and honestly, I was so close to cancelling it. I have not been doing the stretches as intrusted simply because I have feeling low and have not been motivated to do much of anything.
Either way, I went.
My physiotherapist picks up on my energy in a weird way. I told her of my recent breakup and how I haven’t been doing the stretches she told me to do.
Thankfully, she was understanding but recommended that I do continue to do the stretches along with my deep breathing.
I will continue to work on it as it will help me in the long term.
Physiotherapy #4
8.11.21 – Today I had my 4th session and I feel like every time I go, there is something new in my life to cope with. Even my physiotherapist mentioned it, she was like what now?!
I thought that was interesting. She has a way of distracting me which helps me to feel better.
Upon doing what she does, she mentioned that I am totally relaxed when I do my deep breathing so I need to make sure that I do it several times during the day.
Especially with work, I need to make sure I have a moment to catch my breath!
Take Away
I will give it ago and really take head to what I have to do and go from there.
For me, this is part of my self-care; putting my wellbeing first.
I am open to the process, and I’ll give you guys the tea.
This is totally different from what I usually write about, but this is a new experience for me, so I felt it necessary to share it with you all.
Thanks for reading.
Take care and stay safe.