Negativity is one of the biggest obstacles to growth
Growth is not a linear process. It is stressful, we may come across a bit of negativity and sometimes it’s an overwhelming process.
Negativity may come in the form of things and people. What may be deemed as negativity may differ between people.
Negativity in people is when they have a closed mindset, are pessimistic and speak negatively; I don’t want to be around that energy, no ma’am.
These past two weeks wreaked of negativity
As some of you may know, I am a special educational needs teaching assistant. When schools re-opened in March, I was approached by several education agencies.
Initially, I was not planning on working in schools again; I did not have a positive experience, the last time I worked in a school, it was agency work. I was hoping for something more permanent plus with what is going on in the world; I would prefer to be in a job that won’t close down again if…. well, you know.
But I have been at home for far too long, plus I need money, so I figured I might as well give it a go! It will give me more structure, routine and experience. You can never get enough experience!
Fast forward to the end of April, work was becoming less and less tolerable, and I have a high threshold of tolerating nonsense. At first, I thought, “Who am I to call out the b******t? I am a temp worker!” But my well-being was at risk, and I promised myself that I wasn’t going to put my well-being on the line for a job. Miss me with the negativity.
So, I decided that it was in my best interests to protect myself. I was feeling extremely stressed, and physical symptoms started to rear their ugly face. I began experiencing chest pains that I tried to ignore, but on one Wednesday evening, my body said, ‘Girl! You better not! Sort that out’.
I felt that it was in my best interest to call off work. I told my agent what it was feeling. I spoke with my doctor and scheduled a hospital appointment for the following day. Therefore, I had to call off Friday as well.
I had an ECG scan and blood tests just to double-check that there are no underlying health issues. I’m fine y’all.
Over the weekend, I felt well-rested and decided that I’ll go back to work. It was a long weekend due to a holiday, so Tuesday was the day for me to go back to work. I was mentally preparing myself for it.
On the following Monday, I received a call from the agency. Get ready for some tea.
My agent just got off the phone with the school, and he told me that a member of staff who was off for a considerable period of time was not going back to work; therefore, I am no longer needed.
I was dropped like a hot potato.
My first reaction to the news was to laugh.
I was so caught off guard, honestly. I thought the timing was impeccable.

Maybe the universe decided to remove the negativity for me
The night before, I meditated, cleaned my crystals, burned incense and lit a candle. I do this every Sunday to prepare myself for the week ahead. I did some manifestation, and I spoke to myself.
I said, “I am preparing myself for new opportunities, and I welcome them with open arms”. “I have so much to offer”. While I was doing this, I felt a different vibe. I couldn’t explain it. There was something in the atmosphere. And I guess it was the work situation. The universe has a hilarious way of showing us things.
All in all, I was ready to throw in the towel, but I waited so long for a job. I manifested this job, so I thought I’d better stay put until something better comes.
I talked with my friends and about the situation, which helped me reflect on the situation.
I broke things down.
Cons of being fired-
- Back in the house
- Loss of income
- I got along with the other employees
- Working gave me more structure.
Pros of being fired-
- I don’t have to run after the children
- I feel less stressed
- It is an easy way out. I was going to leave anyway, so I guess it made things a lot easier.
- I have more time to plan- plan more content for my blog, my YouTube channel, my Instagram, and most importantly, I have more time to go back to the drawing board. What do I really want to do? What job will help me to advance in my career, which leads me to my next point…
- More time to apply for jobs ***UPDATE: I got the job! (Manifestation works, y’all- More on this later)***
When I was younger, this situation would have really broken me down. Man, I have never been fired before! Just out of the blue, no heads up, nothing!
But as I constantly work on myself; Queue my ongoing journey to healing, I realise that I need not let negativity consume me. Focusing on things you can control is a major key to not letting negativity distract you from the bigger picture.
Although the beginning of the week started on a low, it made a 180 turn around. By the end of the week, I secured 2 interviews, both of which were great!
I did not let getting let go defer me; I used it as drive! Plus, a little of my ego jumped out, and I thought, I’ll show them, but mostly I’ll show myself. I can do anything I put my mind to.

Ways to not let negativity distract you
Let it all out; take it from me, bottling things up can create more negativity. It can then manifest into other physical symptoms and may cause you to be more stressed.
Remember your why
Why do you keep going when you feel like quitting? Do you know what your purpose is? Sometimes, we lose sight of our goals when there are other obstacles in our way. When things get tough, keep that in mind. Use it as fuel to keep going. You may need to take a break which is ok.
Go where you are celebrated, not tolerated
This is my latest lesson. Being in situations where people don’t give you the props you deserve, support you and encourage you can be so taxing. Maybe it’s the Leo in me, I like to be appreciated. In a demanding role, it does help when people notice you and give you your roses while your there because TRUST ME, they’ll have more appreciation of you and your work once someone else has to pick up the slack.
If you are able to, remove negativity from your life; people and things. You need a group of friends/family that encourage you and uplift you. It makes you feel so much better about your current situation.
Take away
It is hard to avoid negativity completely in this day and age. The media shows it, and unfortunately, people are the embodiment of it.
Try to do your best and do what serves you.
Cut off that negativity, and you will flourish.
Thanks for reading. Take care and stay safe.

Enjoyed reading your post and the takeaways from it! Things really do happen for a reason, sometimes we just need to discover what they are. Good luck!
Indeed! I appreciate you for taking the time to read my post.