Growth, Productivity

Tips For an Introvert at Work

Introvert at work!

Introverts In The Workplace

The workplace can be full of life: from gossip to tight deadlines to casual Fridays.

However, for some (me included, at times), the workplace can be overwhelming.

Introversion is a personality type whereby one looks inward and enjoys solitude. Maintains a small group of friends and being around large groups of people is taxing to our energy. Want to know more about introversion, check out this post! Are you an introvert or an extravert? Find out here.

In an environment which may require teamwork and will definitely require communication, it can be daunting for reserved introverts like me.

If I am completely, honest, I have struggled to make and maintain friends at work. I try to stay professional and productive whilst avoiding workplace drama. Over the years, I have worked in many places (I counted 9 paid jobs, 4 volunteering).

Some were filled with drama, gossipy people and bad energy. One of my bosses was always in a bad mood which impacted everyone else; 90% of my colleagues were on the edge which didn’t create a positive work environment.

That is why I tend to keep to myself at work. Put simply, I work to make money, get experience and leave! (I don’t avoid trying to make new friends, but working and being productive is my priority).

On the other hand, you may observe the other end of the spectrum. There may be super organised colleagues, loud colleagues and colleagues that ask a lot of questions. What is great about work environments is that there usually is a mix of everything.

In order to be the best at your job, you are going to have to put yourself out there a little. I know it is easier said than done, but I got you!

I have compiled some tips that my fellow introvert at work will find useful.

When you enter a room, say hello.
It sounds pretty simple right?! Making your presence known doesn’t have to be out of vanity. I find it quite polite. I have tried this many times.

When I was on my lunch break sometime this week, I entered a room with four other colleagues who were also on their break. I said hello. I did not get a response back. That is ok! I was trying to be nice but hay ho, at least I talked.

Small talk will be your best friend.
I hate small talk to some degree but in a new environment, you have to make yourself heard. Even if you’re an introvert at work, put on an extravert mask if you can.

I can be really quiet which doesn’t always work in my favour. I’ve been told I have an attitude and that I am scary by old neighbours in uni and I had not even opened my mouth!

Therefore, I talk to make people more comfortable with my presence. I know you shouldn’t hold other opinions about you highly, but at work, word does spread. You don’t want to appear as if you don’t want to be at work (although a lot of people I know would rather not be, I included). You want people to assume that you are a reliable employee.

Ask simple questions.
Starting conversations with new people can be scary at times but start off with a list with open-ended questions such as, “How long have you worked here?”, and, “Do you enjoy what you do?”.

Small, simple questions that can kick start the conversation. This will show that you are interested in the other person. Hopefully, once they respond, they will reciprocate and in turn, ask you some questions. All you need is an icebreaker to get the conversation going.

Use your initiative
As an introvert at work, new or old, it is important to always use your initiative. If you observe tasks that need to be done such as tidying up and tasks that do not require another person’s input, get stuck in.

Instead of constantly asking what it is you need to do (newbies get a pass and if you genuinely don’t know what it is you have to do, ask all the questions you can), do what you can.

This will show your colleagues and your employers that you are willing to help and you don’t depend on helicopter parent guidance to get things done.

Above all remember that your quirks make you special. They make you, YOU. Take my advice with a pinch of salt. Please don’t change who you are and what you have to offer in order to fit in with the crowd. Always do your best as your best is good enough.

Thanks for reading and take care.


About Confidant Candy

Hi there! I am a Master's student looking to evolve every single day! This blog will contain posts focused on personal development.
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16 thoughts on “Tips For an Introvert at Work

  1. I have a lot of introverted characteristics, and this really resonated with me. Especially the part about small talk. I will definitely take these suggestions into consideration AND subscribe!

  2. You rightly encouraged us to “put on an extravert mask if you can” I try this all the time. I like the idea of asking simple questions but sometimes this could make you appear incompetent

    1. I understand where you are coming from. You could start with simple questions and then when you build more rapport, you could ask more questions. Thank you for reading!

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