Finding your voice
It is safe to say that this world has changed tremendously. The influx of social media makes people more interconnected to pandemics changing how we work, live, and conduct ourselves. It is safe to say that we live in a crazy, chaotic world.
It can be pretty scary and can cause people to quiet their voice as some may be afraid of how their voice may play a role in how others respond to what we have to say.
Your voice demonstrates how people may respond to you
-It also puts yourself out there
-May be due to your upbringing
-Determines how people perceive you
The journey to finding my voice
When I was younger, I was quiet, timid and scared to speak up, not because I wasn’t encouraged to be seen and not heard but because I had very little confidence and self-esteem, plus I am an introvert.**
Why has this happened?
During the summer holidays, I attended a summer scheme; essentially, it is where kids go during the summer when the parents are off to work. We would do activities, arts and crafts, the lot. I met many kids and made friends for the most part.
However, I also experienced bullying. I still remember what happened like a scene from my favourite movie.
My white friends and I asked to join in a game with two other white boys in the playground. One of them responded, “We can’t play with her,” (as they pointed to me), “. she’s black”. Imagine, I must have been between the ages of 6 and 9 years old.
And that stuck with me for a while. I now realised that those boys didn’t know any better; they were around my age. They were taught and/or observed that behaviour. We were kids!
Since then, I became quiet and tried to not getting attention just in case I became a target to be picked on.
Furthermore, during my primary and high school years, I experienced more bullying. Although I believed I overcame the bullying in a sense as I had a great circle of friends and a support system, it perhaps subconsciously played a role in how I carried myself since then.
It took me years of hard work, speaking kindly to myself, attending therapy, and working on myself to gain my voice and not be afraid of putting my voice out there regardless of the feedback.

How to find your voice
Take your time
There is no rush when it comes to working on yourself. Personal development is a process. The process is not linear. There will be ebbs and flows. When you want to voice your opinions, make sure you breathe, composure yourself, and speak your mind.
Practice mindfulness
You already know the power of mindfulness! Tune into your thoughts. Focus on deep breathing, meditating to calm your mind. Currently, I am focusing on chakra healing . My chakras are now imbalanced, and I am learning to heal my throat chakra to express myself fully. I am on my way there.
Work on your confidence
Confidence is a big part of speaking up and having your voice heard. The little book of confidence is great; it contains tools and exercises that you can use in your daily routine to boost confidence.
One way that has given me more confidence in going to the gym. My body has transformed, and I am proud of the progress that I have made so far. Plus, it does wonders for your mental wellbeing.
Get things off your chest.
I have recently been ranting on my social media. A little story time here and there; expressing myself if you will. I enjoy it. Having things bottled up is not helpful in the slightest. If you do not feel comfortable putting your business out there for people to see, why not discuss things with your support system. Why not write about it.
Blogging has helped me to express myself and find my voice. Providing details on how I overcome things and offering support and advice is an excellent way to find yourself.
Do what is best for you, and that may include saying no
Being authentic with your voice. Setting boundaries and teaching people how to be treated is crucial to have your voice heard. You must stand your ground and be firm in it.
You are a fantastic person, and your voice matters deeply.
Take Away
You will find your voice in some shape or form. When? I can’t answer that, but you will. Focus on your path, our into yourself and the universe will do the rest.

Indeed, everyone has a right to voice their opinion. Thanks for sharing.