
Self-Concept: What is it and How to Work On it?

Working on your Self-Concept is everything! The first quarter is done! The first quarter flew by. It is April already I cannot believe it. How have the first few months been for you?For me, there have been a lot of changes. I started my apprenticeship! I’m still processing the fact that I have to work and go to university.My schedule…

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new opportunities

No doesn’t mean No.

NO = Next opportunities Hearing no isn’t always a bad thing. Hi, everyone. I hope you are all well. A lot has changed since my last post. I have left my job as a mental health personal independence coordinator. I must say, I have been blessed with the opportunity to be in a role for over a year, which I…

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untreated ADHD

Untreated ADHD: How I Manage My Symptoms

Many adults diagnosed with ADHD are left untreated. What is ADHD? ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that can start as early as childhood. Many adults are diagnosed with ADHD, not realising how it may have impacted them early on. Some adults, like me, were left untreated and diagnosed later in life. I was diagnosed at the age of 26. Upon…

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Communication and ADHD

ADHDers do you struggle with communication? For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with communication. I was always the shy, quiet kid that kept to herself and didn’t demand the attention of the room as soon as I walked in it. My mother thought that it was just a ‘phase’ and soon I will grow out of…

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Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Simply Just Existing? 5 Ways To Get Over Simply Existing

Lately, I Feel Like I Have Been Existing, Not Living What does it mean by simply existing? To me, existing means just doing what you need to do to get by. That can include: – Working  – Eating – Breathing – Running errands – Doing anything to survive, but if you want to compare it to something, the basic needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Most of the…

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Growing in Love- Loss turned into Lessons

As some may know, last year was an overwhelming year for me—the loss of love. I experienced a lot of loss, but I learned so much, and you know what I like to say it’s not a failure, it’s a lesson. “Life is one big lesson”. Towards the end of 2021, I told myself that I would do everything in my power to get out…

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Back To Blogging – Welcome Back

Remember who I am? I am the owner of this blog that I have been neglecting for months. I took some time unintentionally as I struggled to find time to sit down and dedicate uninterrupted time to write posts and get my life together, but it is somewhat together now. Can I get an Amen?! A lot has been going…

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protect your peace

How To Protect Your Peace

Why it is important to protect your peace This is what we are doing all 2022, a matter of fact for the rest of this lifetime protecting your peace is so key for your wellbeing. If we don’t protect our peace, it can increase our stress, makes us miserable and even impact our physical health. Ways to protect your peace…

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being content

5 Ways To Feel Content About Your Life

What does it mean to be content? Being content is the peaceful vibe you get when you appreciate what is happening. Feeling satisfied with life regardless of what is going on is hard, but it is beautiful when you feel content. I am content with where I am right now I haven’t felt like this in a long while, and…

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