Why it is important to protect your peace
This is what we are doing all 2022, a matter of fact for the rest of this lifetime protecting your peace is so key for your wellbeing. If we don’t protect our peace, it can increase our stress, makes us miserable and even impact our physical health.
Ways to protect your peace
Notice who your energy shifts around and remove yourself
Listen, sometimes we need to listen to our bodies when we are around people. It took me a while to learn this. When I am around certain people, my energy shifts dramatically. Part of me was like is this the ADHD kicking in with the mood change but no I don’t think so. I am a strong believer that particular people bring out particular energy. I have noticed that my energy dampens or depletes when I am around negative people. I am a positive person and if people who are not as positive are around me and trying to spew their negativity in my direction. I try to ignore it or remove myself from their environment.
Pray, meditate to strengthen your intuition
I meditate daily in order to calm my nerves and focus on the present. Intuition; listening to your gut instinct may help you in some situations. Sometimes, my gut instinct tells me to avoid situations and people. I might know why at times but energy doesn’t lie or die. If you have an inkling that something or someone isn’t right removed yourself.
These days you have to be conscious of your surroundings if you feel like it. If you believe in signs, you may want to pay attention to what is around you. They say God removes people and situations around you that don’t serve you. Sometimes God may remove people that you may question at first but things, in turn, will reveal themselves. During tough situations, I meditate to focus on my breathing and to decrease my stress. Others may pray and turn to their religion to protect their peace.
Remove yourself from toxic situations
If you guys are avid readers of my blog, you already know that my previous job was toxic, toxic, toxic. Some of my colleagues weren’t pulling their weight, the pay wasn’t what it should be and I was overworked. Working 50+ hours, wasn’t it. The toxic work environment started to impact different areas of my life. Eventually, I mastered the courage to leave and I am so glad I did.
Talking to my friend who still works there, she told me the workplace hasn’t gotten worse. One of the colleagues (whose energy shifted around) contracted COVID and willingly and STILL came to work. How irresponsible! Thankfully, I am in a better work environment that makes sense for my career progression and is significantly less toxic. At times, you will need to take steps that may be uncomfortable but is necessary to protect your peace.
Focus on your wellbeing
Your well-being should be a priority. The energy you put our returns so to ensure that your energy is positive, pour into yourself and take care of your mind, body and spirit.
-Eat a well-balanced diet; food affects your mood so make sure your daily intake includes the good ole’ fruit and veg.
-Exercise- exercise helps to reduce stress and makes you feel better overall.
-Journal- an easy mindfulness exercise; Journaling is a stress reliever and after a hard day at work, you need to protect your peace and end your day peacefully.
Take Care
Nothing and no one should come between your peace. I hope you are able to be as peaceful as you can in this world.
Thank you for reading, take care and stay safe.