What is ‘purpose?’
According to our good old friend Google, purpose is one’s reason and intention for which they do something within psychology, their hierarchy of needs. Maslow, who proposed the hierarchy of needs, introduced this theory in 1943.
Within the hierarchy of needs, there are 5 categories that every human needs: Psychological needs, safety, belonging and love, esteem and self-actualisation.
The bottom two needs: physiological and safety needs, are considered basic human needs. We must have these needs to survive and to move to the next level.
Next, there are psychological needs- belongingness and love as well as esteem needs.
As humans beings, we need intimate relationships. Healthy relationships are essential for our mental wellbeing. Having a social circle and a sense of belonging.

Furthermore, the top needs are self-fulfilment: esteem and self-actualisation. Having a belief that you are valuable and that you see your potential.
Self-actualisation is achieving and fulfilling your fullest potential, being the best person you can be in all fields: education, work-wise, and all elements that will help you work and live in your purpose.
However, many critics have one common thread: How can you measure self-actualisation?
Scientifically? Self-actualisation will look differently for everyone, so what one defines reaching their potential, another may have a different perspective.
Characteristics of self actualisation include:
- Creative
- Can accept critisim
- Moral Standards
- Few, deep intimate relationships and most importantly…
- Living in their purpose.
What I believe my purpose to be
I truly believe that my purpose in this life is to help people in one capacity or another. Since I have been a young girl, I have been volunteering. There is something that comes with helping people. I do something to fuel the soul and my spirit.
I may not have a lot but what I do have, I can give to others.
Growing up, I was quite religious. I studied the Bible; I tried to live my life according to it and keep the 10 commandments in mind.
Although I am no longer as religious as I once was, I believe that you can still live life with a bigger purpose in mind.
I am a vessel.
The time we are lent on this earth is short, but I will walk with a purpose; I will be a vessel to help people.
In my 25 years, I have had 10+ jobs. Why? I’m quite impulsive at times.
Out of desperation, I applied for jobs just for the sake of income, not because I saw value in the job, or it was something that I actually wanted to do.
The longest roles I have had have been non-paying or the pay was not great.
Over the past 3 years, I have been volunteering with a mental health charity. I enjoy being a listening ear to those who may be experiencing psychological distress. Besides volunteering, I worked in a residential care home with guys who had mental health and learning difficulties.
The job was challenging, but it fuelled me. I was making a difference to their lives and that is what I am about.
Having an extensive worksheet has its perks. I know that mundane jobs that don’t help people directly enhance their overall well-being are not for me.
How will I go about living in my purpose?
Everyday I will remind myself of my why
Why am I doing this?
I want to make an impact in the lives of people. I want to make people feel good.
I will continue working on myself- self care and self love is essential
In order to be the best person possible (both personally and professionally), I will work on me everyday.
Meditation and journaling will enable me to be clear and focused on what will help me to live in my purpose.
How To Find Your Purpose
Talk a walk down memory lane
What were the greatest times in your life?
What were you doing?
Who were you with?

Listen to the critics
It is important to have a good understanding and perspective from others regarding what you are best out/excel at.
Ways to do this may include:
- Talk to your manager
What are your strengths and limitations?
What areas can you improve upon?
Besides your manager, ask your loved ones what they think you are passionate about (this can arise during discussions/daily conversations). Do their points resonate with you?
Play with your interests
You know when you go for an interview, and they ask you, “What your interests are?” What pops into your mind?
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Do you like to write, take pictures, participate in sports?
What topics of conversations do you prefer to have?
What job would you do regardless of pay?
Some of you may know that I have a degree in both business and psychology. There is a lot of money in the field of business, but business doesn’t interest me in the slightest.
I do not like economics, finances, none of it!
I fell asleep in the majority of my business lectures during university.
However, I am faciniated by psychology.
Why do we think the way we do?
I like helping people feel better, and unfortunately, many jobs in the health and social field don’t match the work input (NOT AT ALL).
Jobs in care can be physically and psychologically draining. Work hours are long, and the pay is underwhelming, but the job makes me happy.
If I can make a difference in someone’s life, than I have done my job.
Follow your heart
Do things that feel right and serves you.
I am trusting that you have a moral compass.
By no means am I telling you to quit your day job with no plan on how to provide for yourself and your circumstances but continue working on finding the job that you value and that you can add value to in the best way possible.
Take away
I hope you do things that make your heart full and content.
No matter what, be kind always.
Trust the process and stay true to yourself.
Thanks for reading.
Take care and stay safe.

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