Feeling Better Is What We All Want, Right?
Feeling good is what we all desire.
Feeling good about your body, your career, your relationships, your life overall.
It boosts your confidence and makes you feel happy about where you are in life.
If you read my last post, you’ll know that I have been quite low, and I believed that I am experiencing symptoms of high functioning depression (WHICH IS NOT AN OFFICIAL DIAGNOSIS).
I was doing everything as I normally do: work, working on my blog, YouTube, workout and continue to do my self-care; although not as much as I used to yet, I was still feeling low.
As if there was a grey cloud lingering over me. No matter what I was doing, I felt so safe, and many nights, I cried myself to sleep for no reason at all.
It happens to some of us.
We will not always be in the best of moods, but I haven’t learnt to sit in the mood instead of sweeping everything under the rug.
Before I started my personal development/wellness journey, every time I felt sad, I would try and dismiss my feelings or try to disguise them by distracting myself.
This did more harm than good. I didn’t sit and try to understand why I was feeling sad and get to the source of the issue.
I just pretended like it didn’t exist—no Bueno.
But I’ve realized that I need to try and remain present and be. Be!
Instead of rushing around trying to have everything sorted, trying to balance my emotions, life. I need to let my emotions be.
Let the tears flow if they may instead of trying to hold everything together. I am strong, but that doesn’t mean I can’t cry or have vulnerable moments. It’s human.
So, to take charge of my emotions I had to dissect my emotions.
I feel sad- Why?
Here are some possible reasons=
I’m not where I want to be in my career.
I am not as confident as I want to be
I feel exhausted
I need more ‘Me time.’
Relationship kicks

Then I break it down further.
I’m not where I want to be in my career: But I am on my way! I am on the path to where I want to be. Yes, I hit a few obstacles in the past took a few detours to get on this path, but I made it.
At least I have a job. And possibly, a cause: maybe subconsciously, I was comparing myself and my career to someone else’s, which isn’t the greatest and impacted my confidence.
I am not as confident as I want to be, I talked to my boyfriend about this, and he reminded me that I have become more confident since I met him, which says a lot. I do really try and sometimes fake it to make it.
Areas that I would like to be more confident at work and the gym. So, I need to step up my game in those areas.
I feel exhausted- This may be due to the lack of sleep, and a symptom of depression work has been a lot, and I have had little time to recover. In addition, I am not eating enough, so I need fuel to give my energy!
I need more ME time- As mentioned, work has been a lot and, on my days, off (as of recently) to have ‘ME time’. I need to get back to schedule some downtime.
Relationship icks- My relationships need a time up. Everyone is so busy, and when I get time to talk on the phone, both parties mention at least one that we are tired. There hasn’t been a lot of new adventures as of late due to conflicting work schedules (and COVID). I want to get back to the adventure.

Now that I have identified my issues, I now can flip them in a way that will make me feel better about myself.
Planning my career- Having an idea as to what I want to do is great. Not everyone is certain about what they want to do, so I am grateful that I have an idea in mind. If you are feeling stuck, perhaps you can talk to a career advisor**
If you need a bit of help trying to decipher between what career will suit you and your skills, click here.
Confidence has gone up- Although I am not 100% confident, I am on my way. Reading books such as ‘Little book of confidence’ and doing exercises here and there will definitely give me a confidence boost and see how far I’ve come. You are on your way!
Getting some rest- Nothing beats a good night’s sleep. Having a sleep routine is ideal and helps the body to recover, digest and reset. In all honesty, if that means taking time off work, then guess what you’ll have to do?!
My time is important- Don’t underestimate the power of my time. Spending time alone is healthy. Unwind, relax, do some self-care. If you need some ideas, check this out.
Relationships are work- Make some time to sit down and catch up with your friends. Be attentive and listen to understand, not reply.
Other ways to feel better=
Get moving
Exercise is a godsend; it makes you feel better by sending magical hormones into your body; it makes you more confident, and it can boost your mood.
Check out why exercising is good for your mental health.
Have something to look forward to
This could be big or small. All work and no play are not a healthy balance. Plan a small getaway, staycation, even a trip to the spa.
Practice mindfulness
The mind is a powerful thing! Staying present and focusing on your breathing is a great way to relieve stress. Shift the focus from what is around you to what sensations you are feeling at this present moment.
Take Away
There will come times when we are not feeling our best. It will happen. However, we can get over this feeling. Give yourself some time, some TLC and believe me, you will get back to being YOU.
Thanks for reading.
Take care and stay safe.

Great tips! Thanks for sharing your experience! I need to take the time to breakdown what I feel is holding me back from feeling good about myself.
Thank you for reading! Girl, me too sometimes. Take your time with yourself; you’ve got this.