What is manifestation?
Manifestation is the process of thinking and inviting something into your life; you are attracting it by your thoughts and belief system.
Books such as the secret and the law of attraction are great books that delve into this with excerpts of how people have applied it to their lives and what became of their strong belief.
Different types of manifestation
There are different techniques that one could use to manifest their dreams and desires.
55×5 Technique
I have used this technique, and it has worked for me! The concept is to write your affirmation such as ‘I am loved’. Make sure you write the sentence as if it happened already, 55 times for 5 days straight. No interruptions.
Vision board
If you like to get creative, this one is for you. To do your vision board, you may want to get resources such as A3 paper (to fit everything you want on the paper), cuts out of what you want to include, such as your dream car, house, dream holidays) and you want to make sure you include words of affirmation throughout.
When I did my vision board, I like to roughly plan out where to put the pictures before sticking them down. It is nice to relax, and it’s a self-care idea too.
In particular, a gratitude journal= Before we focus on attracting more, we must appreciate what we already have. Saying thank you for what you have is a good way to be aware of your blessings.
Affirmations are statements that we can say to ourselves to overcome the negative self-talk that we may all have. Examples include: I am worthy. I will achieve my dreams.
Keep saying it yourself.
How manifestation worked for me
On one hot day in July, as I was walking towards my car. I got in and drove towards my workplace to move my car closer because, after a 12-hour shift, I just wanted to go home. Once I reached the location, and I saw something in my side mirror as I was reversing. It turns out someone hit my car! Someone hit a parked car. Imagine. It was a hit and run, and I was appalled.
It wasn’t just a little ding; no! It was a big ass dent in the back of my car. The impact of the collision also popped out of my bumper. Is this really happening to me?
Just a week before my birthday, great! I didn’t have the time to fix it right away as I was busy with work, then it was my birthday and the week following was my friends’ wedding which was out of town, so I needed my car. So, I left it. Don’t worry; I was still able to drive it legally.
Fast forward to 2 weeks later, after I purchased the parts to fix my car, I got into a car accident, I rear-ended a car. I was in such a rush to get to work (I would have been on time if I hadn’t gotten into the accident).
I totally forgot that people in Croydon (the borough I live in) could not drive.
As I thought the driver in front of me would go as he had the chance to, but he didn’t, so I hit him. I was totally at fault, and I told him. I contacted my insurance once I arrived at work and I was shocked to find out that my car had been involved in 3 major accidents unbeknownst to me. Therefore, it was recommended that my car was written off. Amazing. Just what I needed. I wouldn’t mind not owning a car for some time, but due to the nature of my job** it definitely helps.
Thankfully, I am frugal Fran and saver sally, so I started car shopping a week later. Within a week, I purchased a new car, a red convertible which I was not anticipating buying, but the specifications were up to par.
I know you are thinking, where does manifestation enter the chat.
Let me take you back.
At the beginning of July, I was following the 55×5 method. Guess what my affirmation was.
I have a new car.

I wrote it and forgot about it.
You see how manifestation works.
I was attracted to it, and I didn’t even know.
Thank you, universe.
Your thoughts are key.
When I am manifesting, I try to remain as positive as possible. There will be moments when we feel low, which is normal. But when you feel those thoughts coming on, think positive things. Like attracts like.
There is no time limit.
I did not realize how fast I manifested my car. To some, it may be fast, but to others, it may not be. We can’t tell the universe hurry up; I’ve got things to do. We have to be patient and wait for things to come.
They are coming.
Take Away
Manifestation has helped me a lot. However, it is my personal opinion.
Your experience may differ, so; please bear that in mind.
If you believe in prayer to attract your blessings, goals and what you want to achieve, do what suits you and your lifestyle.