feeling better

How To Feel Better About Yourself

Feeling Better Is What We All Want, Right? Feeling good is what we all desire. Feeling good about your body, your career, your relationships, your life overall.It boosts your confidence and makes you feel happy about where you are in life. If you read my last post, you’ll know that I have been quite low, and I believed that I…

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Make Your Health A Priority, Always!

If anything that the pandemic has taught me is that you need to make your health a priority. When I say health, I refer to your physical (beautiful body) that you have to travel this world. Health is more than looking healthy. It’s about feeling healthy! No one wants to go through life where they are constantly in pain. This…

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Self-love is important

How To Practice Self-Love

What is Self-Love? Self-love, simply put, is prioritising your happiness and overall well being. This means putting your wellness first and not sacrificing your mental state to make others feel better at your expense. Everyone may have a different meaning of self-love. Spending quality time alone gives you space and time to discover different ways to take care of yourself.…

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30 affordable self-care ideas

30 Affordable Self-care Ideas To Try Now!

Self-care can be super affordable! What is self care? Self-care is taking actionable steps to ensure that you keep healthy and fit. It is paying attention to you! What does your body need? What does your mind need to be the best that it can be? It is important to take care of ourselves as we only get one body…

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I can't believe it's the end of summer!

5 Tips To Overcome The End Of Summer Blues

Can you believe it’s end the end of summer already?! I can’t believe summer is coming to an end. I feel like new years’ was just the other day. Time is escaping me y’all. Send help please. If you’re like me, you live for summer. (I mean this year was a bit…different) You are summer (LEO BABIES REPRESENT). You enjoy…

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Mental Health, Self-Care

Helpful Tips On How To Look After Your Mental Health Through Exercise

What does being physically active mean? How can exercise help your mental health? Exercising, working out, staying fit is something that is required for you to do in order to stay healthy. Doing physical activity includes doing anything that involves us moving our bodies. According to mental health, individuals with mental health conditions are more likely to consume too much…

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