Do you lack motivation? I do.
At this moment, I lack the motivation I used to have.
Motivation is key to get a lot of things done; we need it to get up and go to work when we don’t want to.
For a couple of months now, I have struggled with being motivated as I was used to.
If you are in the same boat as me, I will discuss why we may be lacking the motivation to get going and how we can overcome it.
7 Causes of Lack Of Motivation
You are not clear enough on why you need to be more motivated.
It is easy to say, “Oh, I need to be motivated so I can get more things done”.
Ok, don’t we all?!
We have to be a bit more specific when it comes to our wants and whys.
It would help if you were more motivated to get more things done.
Ok, what things do you need to get done?
Write it down.
Here is how:
These are things that I need to get done.
- Clean my wardrobe. Why?
Because its a mess and I cant see half the clothes I own. - I want to exercises today.
Why? Because the endorphins make me feel good and I want to achieve my goals.
So let’s go back: you need to get more things done. To do that, we need to be more organised.
What I find helpful is writing to-do lists. This can be done using pen and paper, or you can do it on your phone.
Write the things you want to get done in order of importance. Prioritizing is key.
Then schedule all the things you want to get done into your daily routine.
If at some points you get lost or are not even motivated to look at your list, remember your why and keep it at the back of your mind.
Being a procrastinator is a new character trait.
I absolutely hate leaving things until the last minute. It makes me feel unprepared, which makes me more stressed, which isn’t ideal when you experience anxiety symptoms.
Referring back to #1, it really does help to write out a list then narrow things down into digestible chunks.
I’ll give you an example.
When I was in university, I had many assignments. Sometimes we were given a month to complete the assignments. To ensure that I did not leave everything until the last minute, I made a plan.
I looked out the expected word limit, the resources I would need to complete the assignment and my other assignment, which was also due soon- I then reflected on my timetable to identify times throughout the week that I can allocate to working on the latest assignment.
Let’s say on Monday; I had one lecture from 9 am-12 pm. And I was done for the day! After the lecture, I would have lunch, and then around 2 pm, I’ll get started, looking for resources for my assignment. I’ll do that for a couple of hours, then make a to-do list for the following day.
The plan is to not pack too much on my plate all at once as it can leave you feeling overwhelmed, which leads me to my next point.

You feel overwhelmed.
When I began working as a special educational needs teaching assistant (SENTA), I felt overwhelmed. I went from not working at all to working full time with kids with needs.
It was a lot of work, and it was very demanding on the body. As I was now working during the week, I had to ensure that I scheduled in time to:
Exercise, cook, write my to-do lists, write my blog, film, edit and upload my YouTube video. Oh, and schedule in some social time and some much needed ‘me’ time.
It became difficult to juggle everything, which led me to put my needs on my back burner, which isn’t ideal for my wellbeing.
Focus on one thing at a time.
I really should do this, but writing blog posts and uploading videos has helped me with my confidence.
Take a break- Although it may not seem like I have taken a break, I used them for me to unwind and relax on my day off. Constantly being on the go puts a lot of pressure on your body, so do make sure you have some time to do absolutely nothing.

You are not pushing yourself.
Simply expecting things to change when you are doing the exact something day in and day out will not get you anywhere, sorry to say.
If you have goals that you want to accomplish 9/10, some sacrifices and changes will need to be made.
I understand that being in the comfort zone is ideal, safe and comfortable, but you will get complacent and stunt your growth in the long run.
Find ways to push yourself (safely) in accordance with your goals. One goal of mine was to work on my confidence and to do this. I said affirmations; I started networking (which I need to do more of, and one big thing I did was put myself out there by starting a YouTube channel. It was scary at first, but now it is second nature.
You are exhausted.
I want to sleep. Having a demanding work schedule is beginning to take its toll on me if I am frank.
Currently, I am working roughly 48 hours a week. This breaks down into 4 12-hour shifts. I have been doing shifts back to back, impacting my sleep, but I keep in mind that this won’t last forever.
Talk to someone. If work and the workload are too much, talk to someone about how you are feeling. Perhaps they can make adaptions.
Have a good sleep routine. When I get home from work, I shower, journal and go to bed. I try to limit time spent on my phone and laptop as it will impact the quality of my sleep, and we can’t have that.
You are looking at external sources for motivation.
We can not look at others and automatically start emulating their routine, which will make us more motivated. That is highly unlikely.
Being motivated is not second nature to all of us; therefore, we must establish healthy mindsets and lifestyles to encourage us to be more motivated.
Find a routine that works for you. I find that having a routine helps me to be motivated. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t know where to start, which could lead to procrastination.
Don’t let fear get in the way.
Being fearful of change can really halt your drive. No matter what we do in life, fear will always be there, so why not roll with it.
Feel the fear and do it anyway. It shows cases of how not to let fear overcome you and distract you from your goals.
- Keep your why – at the forefront- why do you want to do something that scares you to overcome the fear of doing it in the first place. It could build a new habit
- Remember, everyone will face their fear at some point.
Take Away
There will come moments when we lack motivation, and that is ok. Please don’t be hard on yourself; take a break; take a step back, and re-evaluate the situation when you have a clear mind and fresh eyes.
You can do it.
I believe in you.
Thanks for reading.
Take care and stay safe.