
How To Live A Life Free From Regrets

Do You Have A Bunch Of Regrets? Having many regrets can be the thief of joy. Super optimistic people may say that you can live a happy and carefree life, which is easy to obtain. Let me break it to you. It is not! It is possible to live a great life, but we will all come across situations that…

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Book Review: Warrior Goddess Training

I love love loveeeee this book. This should be a staple in young women’s book collection. I promise you! As one looking for self development, this should definitely be on your list. The ultimate aim of this book is to encourage women. If you haven’t guessed by now, this book is targeted towards women; to be the best unapologetic version…

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The process to healing is a beautiful journey.
Personal, Self-Care

My Ongoing Journey To Healing.

The journey to healing is a process but it is a beautiful journey. Everyone is on their own journey. Our personal journey can not be measured, quantified nor do we know how long we will be on the journey… the journey healing. Healing is one of the most important obstacles that we have to overcome. Healing from trauma, hurt, disappointment,…

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