
Do You Ever Feel Like You Are Simply Just Existing? 5 Ways To Get Over Simply Existing

Lately, I Feel Like I Have Been Existing, Not Living What does it mean by simply existing? To me, existing means just doing what you need to do to get by. That can include: – Working  – Eating – Breathing – Running errands – Doing anything to survive, but if you want to compare it to something, the basic needs in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Most of the…

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Growing in Love- Loss turned into Lessons

As some may know, last year was an overwhelming year for me—the loss of love. I experienced a lot of loss, but I learned so much, and you know what I like to say it’s not a failure, it’s a lesson. “Life is one big lesson”. Towards the end of 2021, I told myself that I would do everything in my power to get out…

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5 Lessons I Learned Living Solo

Living Solo Has Been So Good For My Wellbeing- The most valuable lesson In May of this year, I moved out of my mama’s crib, and I am not looking back.I started hunting for my first apartment in January of this year. I had an idea in mind of what I was looking for: • 1 bedroom ideally; I saw…

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Lessons I Learned At 26

Lessons I learned during my 26 years around the sun 1. I don’t have everything figured out yet…and that is fine. I have ideas. When I was in my early teens, I thought that by my twenties, I would have life figured out; I would be in my OWN home; the market is mad, and London is very expensive. Lesson…

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Back To Blogging – Welcome Back

Remember who I am? I am the owner of this blog that I have been neglecting for months. I took some time unintentionally as I struggled to find time to sit down and dedicate uninterrupted time to write posts and get my life together, but it is somewhat together now. Can I get an Amen?! A lot has been going…

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anxiety attack
Mental Health

How to Calm an Anxiety Attack: 6 Techniques

6 Helpful Techniques On How To Calm An Anxiety Attack I was driving on the parkway to my then boyfriend’s house singing along to the radio when traffic started to slow down considerably. I eventually saw a cop car parked ON the parkway perpendicular to the lanes in the road. The policeman was directing all vehicles to take the nearby…

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protect your peace

How To Protect Your Peace

Why it is important to protect your peace This is what we are doing all 2022, a matter of fact for the rest of this lifetime protecting your peace is so key for your wellbeing. If we don’t protect our peace, it can increase our stress, makes us miserable and even impact our physical health. Ways to protect your peace…

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How To Be Confident In Your Own Skin

Would you describe yourself as a confident person? Confidence is undeniable, indestructible and friggin necessary. Confidence is trusting in yourself and believing that you are worth it.Confidence is walking in the room and claiming your beauty unapologetically. Each day will have its obstacles hence confidence levels may not always be often at an all-time high and that is ok. Struggling…

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